the adventures

of ola and the owl

A conservation comic book set in Sub-Saharan Africa where Ola and his magical owl fight to save the environment.

Adventures of ola and the owl

A conservation comic book set in Sub-Saharan Africa where Ola and his magical owl fight to save the environment.

Ola and the Owl is a fantasy children’s comic book. The book aims to communicate conservationists’ and environmental biologists’ work to children. The book is set in a Sub-Saharan African environment. Ola is a young boy, around the age of 10, who saves and rears a baby owl, who turns out to be a magical creature that brings him to a high council of environmental protectors. Working with these other worldly beings, Ola and the Owl solve many environmental crises, first in Ola’s community and then the world.

watch a sneak peek video



Adventures of Ola and the Owl

A conservation comic book set in Sub-Saharan Africa where Ola and his magical owl fight to save the environment.



Adventures of Ola and the Owl

Kitabu cha katuni cha uhifadhi kilichojikita katika Afrika Kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara ambako Ola na bundi wake wa ajabu wanapambana kuokoa mazingira.