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Mahale Chimp Guardians
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Marine Litter
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Project Description
Title of Project
Primary Fieldwork Location Country or Area
Fieldwork Location Country
Fieldwork Location region
The primary focus area for your project is:
The secondary focus area of your project (if applicable) is:
The primary focus for your project is:
The secondary focus of your project (if applicable) is:
The secondary focus of your project (if applicable) is: (copy)
What is the Discipline/Field of Study for the project?
Brief Project Summary; In a few sentences, succinctly discuss your project as if you're describing it to your mother. Summarize your main goal, and explain why your project is worthwhile and interesting.
Total Project Budget (attach):This amount should reflect the total scope of the project, including the amount requested from Ngoteya Wild and all other funding sources. Be clear on every allocation of funds.
Project Leader Name:
Gender Identity
Current Position or Job Title
Primary Language
What other languages, if any, do you use for professional communication?
Additional languages (if applicable):
Highest Degree Awarded
Year Awarded
Degree Awarded #2
Year Awarded
Degree Awarded #3
Year Awarded
If awarded, will you accept grant funds to your personal bank account (individual) or through an affiliated institution?
If awarded, will you accept grant funds to your personal bank account (individual) or through an affiliated institution? (copy)
Country or Area of Citizenship
Country of Residency
The rest of the team information :
Name and Tittle
Describe the skills of your team members, and tell us why they are necessary to the success of your project. Please provide no more than two sentences per team member. Successful proposals will include details about collaborators.
Do you or your Team Members already have any media commitments or interest for this project? This includes media commitments already held by your home institution or other funding bodies
How did you learn about the specific grant opportunity to which you are applying?
Social media
Our website
Opportunity websites
Other (specify)
In one or two paragraphs, please describe what skills, attributes, and/or experiences make you uniquely qualified to implement this project. Please include any relevant information not in your CV/ profile that you wish to share.
In one or two paragraphs, please describe your career goals over the next 5 years and tell us how receiving a grant from Ngoteya Wild will help you achieve them.
Background In one or two paragraphs, please provide background information and context about the issue your project will be addressed. What is unique or important about your project and how is it different from previous work on this topic? Include relevant citations in the Works Cited section below.
Please provide a bulleted or numbered list of the objective(s) of your project with a short description of each, and how progress towards each objective will be measured.
Objectives: Please provide a bulleted or numbered list of the objective(s) of your project with a short description of each, and how progress towards each objective will be measured. Objectives should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
Methods: In one or two paragraphs, please provide a timeline and description of the activities, methods, tools and/or storytelling coverage plan you will implement. Explain why you think these are likely to achieve your objectives, and describe any potential ethical or safety risks to your project and how you will mitigate them.
Communication and Engagement: In a few sentences, please briefly describe your stakeholders, how they are involved in the project, and whether you have existing media or dissemination plans with any of them. We define stakeholders as anyone impacted by your work, such as local communities, professional networks, public/private sector, media outlets, students, or audiences.
To help us evaluate the outreach component of your proposal, please add links to any websites, social media accounts, public engagement platforms, or other mechanisms you will use to engage your stakeholders.
Results & Impact: Describe all of the expected results of this project, its predicted impacts, and what success means for each stakeholder. Results are defined as the deliverables that will be created during this project (e.g., academic/white papers, photographs, lesson plans, etc.)Impact is defined as the specific changes you hope to achieve (e.g., behavior change, greater understanding of an issue, improved management of a resource, etc.).
Works Cited: Include any bibliographic information that supports the research, educational, or scientific evidence or stories you cite in this application. Storytelling applicants should include a link to their portfolios.